Healthy Ideas to Make You Feel & Look Better

Quote of the Day - With Attitude!

Logic will get you from A to B, imagination will take you everywhere!!!                          By Albert Einstein

Not brain surgery, but if you don’t want to be left sitting in the doctors
waiting room forever, schedule your doctors appointment for the
first of the day…..

I was reading in the newspaper the other day and there was a short
article about Psoriasis! This woman whose husband had a severe
case was told of an all natural solution: Cilantro She said in a matter
of months, he was completely symptom free! He added sprigs of
cilantro to a salad each day. It can’t hurt you and it may be worth a try…..

Here is toning “moves” that focus on muscle balance. Do 3 times a week.
You can shed 1”. That’s what it said. I have yet to try it, I’m a lazy exerciser.

For Jiggle-free Arms: Holding a 5 pound weight in each hand, extend your
arms straight out in front of you at shoulder height, palms facing inward.
Curl the weight up to your chin and release back down to the starting position.
Repeat with your other arm. Do 20 reps……

For a Perky Butt: Stand straight with your legs and feet together, grasping
a counter or the back of a chair for balance. Simultaneously lift your heels
and bend your knees to lower your butt down 3 inches. Return to the
starting position. Complete 10 reps…….

For a Flat Belly: Sit on a mat or towel with your knees bent and your feet
flat on the floor. Hold on to your outer thighs as you slowly roll down
toward the mat, stopping when your shoulder blade touch the floor. Hold
for 30 seconds, then rest for 30 seconds. Repeat twice…

Your’e going to be gorgeous!!!!!!!




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